Posts Tagged ‘toxic substances’

Health Wonk Review and other noteworthy news briefs

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

Rich Elmore has posted a most excellent Health Wonk Review: Special Edition on Health Care Reform, which might also be called the “when pigs fly” edition. It has a good roundup of the health policy blogosphere’s reaction to the landmark legislation and a handy, must-see one page info-graphic of the time line.
Prevention in Health Reform – at the NIOSH Science Blog, John Howard, the Director of National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, summarizes prevention provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and their implications for workplace safety and health.
Frequency – At Comp Time, Roberto Ceniceros looks at the way that health care reform might impact workers comp claim frequency. He explains that the data in this area is thin, but elicits some educated opinions on the topic.
More grim news from China – In addition to the increasingly desperate search for 153 miners which we discussed earlier this week, Ken Ward reports that in a different China mine, 12 miners have been killed and another 32 are missing.
Lifesaver – HR Daily Advisor tells us that survival rates for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest are only about 5% due to the length of time it takes to get treatment to the victim. The sooner defibrillation is started, the more likely the victim will survive. A recent series of posts discuss the benefits of adding an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) as part of a corporate wellness program. “OSHA says that immediate use of an AED can result in a 90 percent survival rate. With each minute of delay, however, nearly 10 percent fewer survive.” A follow-up post discusses related legal and training issues
Food processing – At The Pump Handle, Carlos Rich makes the case for food processing companies to treat workers more like humans and less like machines. We agree. Meatpacking and poultry processing plants are some of the most notorious environments for safety today. Many also play fast and loose with employment laws.
New blog finds

  • Fair Warning – “…an online nonprofit publication that seeks to provide robust, public interest journalism on issues of health, safety and corporate conduct.” The publication promises investigative journalism, legal and regulatory news, and reports from think tanks, academics, and advocacy groups.
  • Work Safety Blog from Blog4Safety – bills itself as “Your online resource for safety information, safety tips, and safety compliance.” It’s not a new blog, posts go back to 2008, but it is a new discovery for us. The blog is sponsored by The blog content has been provided by Texas America Safety Company (T.a.s.c.o.).

9/11 suit back to bargaining table – Southern District of New York Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein surprised a lot of people when he rejected the proposed $575+ million settlement for 9/11 first responders. His complaints? The settlement paid to victims was too little. Read more from 9/11 Lawyers Return to Bargaining Table to Refine Settlement.
Quick Takes

Cavalcade of Risk: 3rd Anniversary Edition, and other news briefs

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

Hank Stern is hosting Third Anniversary Edition of Cavalcade of Risk over at InsureBlog. Hank deserves a pat on the back and many plaudits for all the work he has done in founding and maintaining this carnival. While many contribute and host, he’s the real heart and soul behind this operation – so many thanks!
New in the blogosphere…
In other news, we’re happy to see Business Insurance has made its debut into the blogosphere. We’ve featured reportage by Robertos Ceniceros several times on our blog in the past and he now has a workers comp-focused blog called Comp Time – check out his post today to learn about the work-related risks of Fritos. We also call your attention to Joanne Wojcik’s Benefits Beat – good stuff. There are several other topical blogs that might be of interest.
Sonia Sotomayor
According to a recent article in Insurance Journal Andrea Ortega-Wells, Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor Shows Record of Favoring Insurers. And on the same topic, we again call your attention to Michael Fox’s excellent rundown of Sotomayor’s opinions on labor and employment law.
Chrysler follow-up
To follow-up on the Chrysler bankruptcy-sale issue which we’ve previously discussed, Insurance Journal reports that Fiat has agreed to assume Chrysler’s workers’ comp liabilities in Michigan. According to the Detroit Free Press, Fiat has also agreed ” … to assume responsibility for workers compensation insurance in any states where the new company has operations, such as Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Illinois.”
Employment resources for people with disabilities – this guide from has an excellent list of links to a variety of resources for jobs searches, job training, vocational rehab, and many other tools and support services.
Toxipedia is a good new-found reference site, which describes itself as “a wiki-website created to bring experts and lay people together to lessen the information gap between those with knowledge on environmental and public health and those that need the information to lead healthier lives.” Among other site resource, they recently announced that they will be managing the National Library of Medicine’s World Library of Toxicology.
RIMS recently announced that they’d recently re-launched their online RIMS Buyer’s Guide, a directory of risk-related suppliers that can be searched by keyword, category and geography. It should be noted that these are paid listings.