Posts Tagged ‘safety committee’

Health Wonk Review and other bloggy news notes

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

Hank Stern has posted a fresh roundup of news from the health wonkosphere over at InsureBlog – check it out: Health Wonk Review: Early September Edition.
ADA update – The folks at George’s Employment Blog has been keeping an eye on changes to the ADA. In July, George Lenard posted on what the ADA amendments will mean if they become law, and more recently, Karen Tofte has posted a second part in the series. She examines how the substantial limitation of major life activities element of the ADA’s definition of disability would be altered.
MA health care – Bob Laszewski of Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review comments on a recent NY Times editorial that looks at the Massachusetts health insurance experience and finds it less costly than expected. Bob points to some problems that must be factored in when assessing the program.
Technology risksErgonomics in the News points us to the article The Downside of Mobility: Injury: “As Wi-Fi–and laptops and mobile devices–become more ubiquitous, users from kids to adults find themselves suffering from injuries ranging from carpel tunnel syndrome to “BlackBerry thumb.” The first in a series of features and reviews on the ergonomics of Wi-Fi-induced mobility, this article offers tips on how to prevent injuries.”
Going and coming – Judge Robert Vonada of Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Journal reports that PA courts upheld compensability in the case of a home health nurse injured while traveling to her patient’s home. The case was complicated by the fact that she provided services to several employers in the course of her day.
Safety – BLR’s Daily Safety Advisor offers tips on Getting the most from your safety committee.