Posts Tagged ‘deaths on-the-job’

Tomorrow is Workers Memorial Day

Monday, April 27th, 2015


April 28 is Workers Memorial Day, a day dedicated to remembering those who have suffered and died on the job and renewing the fight for safe workplaces.

Here are some resources and events about tomorrow’s observances.

OSHA: 4,585 [U.S.] workers died on the job in 2013

Interactive Map of 2014 Worker Fatalities

Death on the Job report, 2014

Workers’ Memorial Day — April 28, 2015
CDC’s Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report

Find Workers Memorial Day events near you

Intolerance for Unsafe Workplaces
Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO

Occupational exposure is OSHA’s focus for this year’s Workers’ Memorial Day

5 “Easy” Ways to Improve Temp Worker Safety
Alliance for the American Temporary Workforce



DOL report on work-related multiple-fatality incidents

Monday, November 29th, 2004

The Department of Labor’s Monthly Labor Review features an 18-page report about work-related multiple-fatality incidents (pdf). While 9 out of every 10 work-related accidents that result in death involve a single fatality, between the study years of 1995 and 1999, 10 percent of the fatal events involved multiple deaths.
There were 1,109 incidents resulting in 2.949 deaths during the study years. Almost three quarters of these incidents involved two fatalities per event, but the nine worst catastrophes claimed a total of 266 workers