Check out the latest Health Wonk Review: Disaster edition freshly posted by David Williams at Health Business Blog. David is a long-time HWR host and his business blog is a strong and authoritative voice in the health business sector – if he isn’t on your regular reading list, you should change that!
Just a few other quick updates:
A quick shout-out to esteemed colleague Joe Paduda of Managed Care Matters who is running for office in his home area of Onondoga County, New York. November 7 is pretty quick upon us. You can find out more at Paduda for Progress – if you are on Facebook, you can show him some love there ;-)
Because we’ve written about him quite a bit in the past, we didn’t want to miss this update on Don Blankenship of the Massey Coal Mining disaster infamy: Supreme Court lets criminal conviction stand against coal executive Blankenship
Another issue we’ve posted about previously is the death of cell tower workers. We were interested to see that Washington state recently adopted tower safety worker rules – the third state in the nation to do so.
“North Carolina and Michigan also have telecommunication safety rules, but federal OSHA does not have comparable, specific regulations relating to communication tower work, according to L&I. “We hope our rules can serve as a model for other states to quickly stop these fully preventable worker fatalities,” Soiza said.”