Fresh Health Wonk Review! Looking for some beach reading? The wonks have you covered. Peggy Salvatore posts The Summer Lull Edition of Health Wonk Review at Health System Ed blog – catch up on what’s been happening in the last few weeks, from autopsies of the ACA repeal to where we go from here and assorted other health topics, the wonks have you covered – check it out.
More summer reading:
Healthcare reform implications for work comp – Not included in this week’s HWR but a must-read nonetheless, in a two-part series at Managed Care Matters, Joe Paduda breaks down the likely implications for workers comp, Medicaid Expansion and more. Part one is linked above, and here is part 2.
They Got Hurt At Work — Then They Got Deported – Most workers comp laws have upheld workers comp for workers regardless of status: if the employer had the benefit of the labor and the worker is injured, generally comp will pay for those injuries. NPR looks at how that is changing and how some state laws are targeting undocumented workers.
Opt Out is Going to Return, and Why We Should Pay Attention – Think opt out was killed with the OK Supreme Court decision? At Bob’s Cluttered Desk, Bob Wilson talks about why that’s not likely and where the debate is going from here.
WCI 2017 – Miss the recent conference? Here are a few folks who have you covered: WCI has a good conference roundup and Conference Chronicles features good recaps of sessions.
Mourning writer Lizzie Grossman: The Pump Handle readers will miss her – We were sad to learn of Lizzie’s passing, a journalist and blogger who covered important environmental health issues. Her voice will be missed.
Quick Takes
- In Sweltering South, Climate Change Is Now a Workplace Hazard
- The switcheroo that could give McConnell enough votes to repeal Obamacare
- Cool tool: The NIOSH Lifting Equation App
- InsurTechs are disrupting the insurance industry
- Combining work and wellness for healthier, more productive employees
- Hazardous healthcare worker exposures on the rise
- Pre-cancerous skin lesions caused by outdoor work? Comp hangs in the balance
Would you let your employer microchip you? - Large employers say health plans will cost more than $14,000 for an employee in 2018
- When Catastrophe Occurs, Communication is Key
- Driver Faces 5 Charges — And Potential Death Penalty — Over Immigrants’ Deaths
- WCRI: Longer-Term Dispensing of Opioids to Injured Workers Decreased in Several States
- Cool tool: Window Cleaning Field Safety Guide
- Facing Cancer: Boston emerges as a leader in establishing practices to protect firefighters against cancer
- Insurance Fraud Rings Recruit Workers, Experts Warn
- MSHA: Coal Mining Deaths Reach Double Digit Numbers in 2017
- Older Workers at Greater Risk of Dying in Workplace Accidents
- U.S. News and World Report unveils 2017-18 Best Hospitals
In closing, Apparently, robots aren’t quite ready to take our jobs