The election’s impact on health care: ACA, workers comp, Medicare

November 14th, 2016 by Julie Ferguson

Joe Paduda posted a roundup of opinions on the results of last week’s election, with contributors sharing their thoughts on how the GOP’s sweep will affect health care, health reform, and the health care system: The election’s impact on health care – experts opine.

Before wading in to the fray, Joe reminds us that health care accounts for one-sixth of our GDP, and that it is an incredibly complex, deeply entrenched business.

Joe is a brave man with his crystal ball. Also on his blog, today he takes a look at Trump and workers’ comp. Last week, he offered his initial take on TrumpCare.

Over the weekend, we learn that Paul Ryan plans to phase out Medicare in 2017. Ryan says “What people don’t realize is because of Obamacare, medicare is going broke, medicare is going to have price controls because of Obamacare, medicaid is in fiscal straits.” His proposed “phase in” is contemplated as part of the plan to repeal Obamacare.

Josh Marshall notes:

First, Ryan claims that Obamacare has put Medicare under deeper financial stress. Precisely the opposite is true. And it’s so straightforward Ryan unquestionably knows this. The Affordable Care Act actually extended Medicare’s solvency by more than a decade. Ryan’s claim is flat out false.

Second, I’ve heard a few people say that it’s not 100% clear here that Ryan is calling for Medicare Phase Out. It is 100% clear. Ryan has a standard, openly enunciated position in favor of Medicare Phase Out. It’s on his website. It’s explained explicitly right there.

People voted for change, but it’s not clear that they contemplated a private Medicare system as part of that change.