David Harlow has posted Health Wonk Review Is Bustin’ Out All Over at HealthBlawg. It’s a packed issue – don’t miss out on what all the health wonks are opining about.
This is part of David’s month long Festschrift of the Blogosphere, in celebration of his blog’s 10th Blogiversary. Ten years is an eternity in blog years, so kudos to David for being a consistent health policy voice in the independent blog world – and a smart and influential one at that!
Please join us for a HWR Blab (video conversation / text chat), Health Wonk Review On Air With HealthBlawg Tuesday, 06/7/2016 at 1:00 pm ET for half an hour. You can watch from here or sign in to Twitter account to log in.
Tags: Health Wonk Review, HWR