Health Wonk Review: Post-Turkey Day edition freshly posted at InsureBlog

December 4th, 2014 by Julie Ferguson

Hank Stern has posted a lively Health Wonk Review: Post-Turkey Day edition at InsureBlog – and rest assured, it’s not leftovers, it’s stuffed with meaty issues! This biweekly best of the health policy blogosphere is a good way to keep up with the wonkery.
Hank is one of our long-term hosts. He and I were waxing nostalgic over his first time at bat back in 2006. To check out other past editions visit the Health Wonk Review archives
Also, as long as you are making the blog carnival news rounds, check out last week’s Cavalcade of Risk #222 hosted by Van Mayhall at Insurance Regulatory Law. We were goofing off over a long holiday weekend, so we didn’t get around to posting it yet, but it deserves a look-see. .
