We’re pleased to be hosting the 211th edition of Cavalcade of Risk and we give you the Lightning Round edition in honor of Lightning Safety Awareness Week. If you are struck by lightning, your odds are apparently pretty good of surviving the encounter – see the story of the Georgia man who was recently jolted out of his boots but lived to tell the amazing tale. Take a few minutes this week to learn how to lower your risk of a similar encounter because even tho survival rates are high, most lightning strike survivors suffer lifelong maladies from the experience.
OK, on to our other risk-related issues – here are our blog submissions of the week:
First up, a good news entry from Hank Stern of InsureBlog: A report on
a medical breakthrough for folks with diabetes which promises to reduce the risk of insulin crises. See: Hi-Tech Diabetes news
Bob Wilson of From Bob’s Cluttered Desk fame brings us another good news item about how loving parents and an excellent support network can make the difference between living a life of disability and a life well lived. See: Rachel Mast’s Second Coolest Program of the Day
At Health Business Blog, David Williams looks at the Veterans’ Administration medical mess, noting that the data that the organization collects and uses for internal benchmarking and quality improvement is ironically part of what got them in trouble. While the numbers look pretty bad, he notes that we have no idea how private sector facilities would compare, since they don’t collect or report such information. See: Are we picking on VA hospitals too much?
Jason Shafrin of Healthcare Economist says that after Obamacare passed, the rate of uninsured in Minnesota fell by almost half. What is responsible for this decline in uninsurance rates? He takes a look: Health Reform in Minnesota.
We have a pair of posts that talk about risk mitigation through insurance, describing some specialized needs. At Insurance Thought Leadership, Nancy Germond looks at the insurance coverages a consulting firm needs . And at Workers Comp Roundup, Michael Stack notes that volunteering can be mutually beneficial to employer and employee alike, but he offers this caveat: Don’t Overlook Workers Comp Needs for Volunteers.
Newcomer to Cavalcade Alan Whitton – aka “Big Cajun Man” talks about Atrociously Dangerious Investment Advice at the Canadian Personal Finance Site.
And here at Worker’s Comp Insider, we point you to a pair of posts on the theme of this issue: Lightning Stike Survior Stories and The one in a million club you don’t want to join.
That’s it for this issue. The next host – two weeks from today – is RJ Weiss. Just in time for your poolside reading!