Risk Roundup x 200

January 22nd, 2014 by Julie Ferguson

Jeff Root of Rootfin hosts Cavalcade of Risk #200. I repeat, 200! That’s a lot of risk covered over the year. Kudos to Jeff for a great issue and also to Hank Stern of InsureBlog for steering the ship for these many years. It’s no small task. These topical blog “carnivals” — as the roundups are sometimes called — are valuable because they expose readers to new blogs, new writers and new topics.
Hats off to Jeff not just for content curation but also for a very attractive and well-designed blog. Jeff’s area of expertise is life insurance and he appears to be doing the social media thing right – check out his Google+ page and we also find him over on Twitter talking about how he just got his Google glass invitation – so we expect a future risk report on the pros and cons of Google glass!
