Research & Studies
New NCCI Report: Medical Services for Claims 20 or More Years Old – “According to NCCI, it is likely that more than 10% of the cost of medical benefits for the workplace injuries that occur this year will be for services provided more than two decades into the future. That percentage has been growing and might continue to grow.” Related: In workers’ comp, it’s the tail that’ll kill you – Joe Paduda
Prior Relationship Common Factor in Workplace Homicides: Study Offers Guidance – At LexisNexis, John Stahl reports on a study that addresses the related phenomenon of workplace homicides in which the assailant has a relationship with either the business or an employee.
Study on Fatal Falls Among Older Construction Workers – from CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and Training, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Putting a price on the hassle of preauthorization – “The first study of its kind attempting to document the true cost to physicians of insurer-mandated prior authorizations has delineated what researchers say is most likely just the tip of the iceberg.”
How Much Can Workplace Wellness Programs Save? – 18 percent — and even more for older workers, reports a study in the January Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
News & Views
Upper Big Branch Mine superintendent sentenced – “A former Upper Big Branch Mine superintendent was sentenced to nearly two years in jail for his role in a plot to skirt safety rules and cover up the resulting hazards at the Raleigh County operation where 29 miners died in an April 2010 explosion.”
Work Comp and Independent Counsel – Dave DePaolo
Inside A.I.G.’s Decision Not to Sue
Charts: Suicide, PTSD and the Psychological Toll on America’s Vets
Women Account for 72 Percent of the Decline In Union Membership from 2011 to 2012
On Being awesome: Who can you delight today?
The High Cost of Taking a Sick Day
A Look at New Insurance Laws Taking Effect in 2013
Medical groups praise Obama’s gun-control plan
Health & Safety
Reminder: OSHA Logs MUST Be Posted Feb 1
The Painful Subject of Progressive Disciplinary Policies for Drivers – “This policy addresses steps to take following accidents or incidents as well as how to respond to new convictions you find during your annual MVR checks.”
Portable Fire Extinguishers: Part 1: Identification & Visibility and Part 2: Maintenance & Recordkeeping.
Retailers Launch Safety Data Sheet Initiative – The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) has launched a safety data sheet initiative to streamline the process for the safe handling of chemical products
What Can You Do to Prevent Accidents Caused by Worker Fatigue?