Risk roundup, pill wars, odd lot, obesity & more

March 8th, 2012 by Julie Ferguson

Risk Roundup – Emily Holbrook hosts Cavalcade of Risk #152 at Risk Management Monitor
Florida’s pill war – Timothy Martin and Arian-Campo Flores of the Wall St Journal take in the Florida landscape after the pill mill crackdown in New Front Opens in the Florida Pill War. They note that, “One former hot spot in Broward’s Oakland Park now has just two pain clinics, compared with 26 a few years ago, said Lt. Pisanti. “It changed almost overnight,” he said.”
However, the addicts haven’t gone away. The authors note that, ” … drug users and dealers adapt to the changing landscape and pill demand shifts to retail pharmacies and other establishments that appear to have been set up to skirt the new restrictions.” The article talks about the pressure pharmacists are facing and an increase in forged prescriptions.
Pill pushing docs, take note – My colleague recently posted about the prosecution of Ohio’s Dr. Paul Volkman, the single most prolific prescriber of Oxycodone and related opioids in the entire country. (Four life sentences) Individual states and the feds are starting to get tough about cracking down on this stuff. Joe Paduda talks about the prosecution of drug-dealing docs in CA, FL, CO and other states. Also see Roberto Ceniceros’ blog post on the race to stop opioid abuse.
“Odd Lot” Doctrine – Dave DePaolo talks about the psychology of disability and the inter-relatedness of disability and mental health as illustrated by a case of a injured Wyoming worker. After his claim wended its way through the courts, the worker was granted permanent total disability benefits under the “odd lot” doctrine.
Is obesity getting a bum rap? – Maggie Mahar challenges assumptions about obesity in her post Obesity: Fact vs. Fiction at Reforming Health blog. As with everything Maggie writes, it’s worth a read!
ADA and Veterans – The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently released a new Guide for Employers on Veterans and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). EEOC says that, “The revised guides … make it easier for veterans with a wide range of impairments – including those that are often not well understood — such as traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), to get needed reasonable accommodations that will enable them to work successfully.” Related:
Guide for Wounded Veterans, which answers questions disabled vets may have about the protections and rights when returning to their former job or looking for civilian jobs.
Market Pulse – Clair Wilkinson of Terms + Conditions posts about more evidence of a slowly turning market citing new reports and studies.
Quick takes

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