Health Wonk Review, OSHA, state reports, and the single best thing for your health

January 6th, 2012 by Julie Ferguson

Healthcare policy – Kick off the new year with a bit of health policy wonkery. Jared Rhoads hosts 2012’s first edition of Health Wonk Review at The Center for Objective Health Policy. We’ll be hosting the next issue here on this blog later in the month.
OSHA fines double for serious violationsOSHA Law Update has a good overview of statistics recently released by OSHA. While the number of inspections have dropped in 2011, fines for serious violations or workplace safety doubled. The average OSHA penalty per serious violation in 2011 increased to $2,132, more than doubling from 2010’s average of $1,053. OSHA head David Michaels points out that this is still too low, “We have to maximize the impact of our penalties because we’re trying to not just focus on the employer where we found the [violation], but the whole industry.” OSHA conducted 40,648 inspections, down from 40,993 in 2010. The drop was attributed to a change in inspection priorities, with a higher mix of health inspections and recordkeeping compliance, which take longer.
Wyoming – “Wyoming’s overall workplace death rate was more than three and a half times the national average in 2010 and has ranked worst in the nation five of the past 10 years.” A yearlong study and report to the Governor by epidemiologist Dr. Timothy Ryan points to a lack of workplace safety culture and finds that employers consistently fail to enforce safety rules. (Thanks to Joanne Wojcik for the pointer.
Hello, hard market – By year’s end, it looks as though insurers finally had something to toast. Joe Paduda posts that the soft workers comp market is over. He cites a MarketScout report, which indicated rates were up 3% in December, the highest increase among all P&C lines.
Claims adjuster workload norms – At Comp Time, Roberto Ceniceros asks if 12 to 18 minutes per claim file is adequate. He’s looking for feedback on “how much time should be devoted per file in order for adjusters to do a really great job.”
Michigan, Maryland – WCRI recently issued two new cost-per-claim reports on Maryland and Michigan. Both studies include observations about the impact of recessionary pressures on claim costs. The picture may change going forward in Michigan, where reform legislation was just signed, the state’s first overhaul in more than twenty years.
Brief takes

We close with this compelling video, which might provide some inspiration for your new year. It’s a great video to share with your work force. (Hat tip to the Renaissance Alliance Consumer Insurance Blog

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