Tinker Ready posts Health Wonk Review: Hockey, hoodlums and hot rod angels at Boston Health News
There’s a lot of good reading in this issue – check it out!
Health Wonkery on Twitter
If you just can’t wait a few weeks to get the next update of HWR, here are links to some of the HWR bloggers who are active on Twitter:
- Tinker Ready: @tinkerrr
- David Williams: @HealthBizBlog
- Health Affairs: @Health_Affairs
- New Health Dialogue: @NewHealthDialog
- Jaan Sidorov: @DisMgtCareBlog
- Glenn Laffel: @pizaazz
- Incidental Economist: @IncidentalEcon
- Avik Roy: @aviksaroy
- Gary Schwitzer: @garyschwitzer
- Richard Elmore: @richelmore
- Lucidicus Project: @Lucidicus
- Interdisciplinary Nursing Quality Research Initiative: @INQRIProgram
- Brady Augustine: @bradyafl
- Lynch Ryan: @workcompinsider
Tags: Social media, Twitter