Holiday Health Wonkery and other news briefs

December 10th, 2010 by Julie Ferguson

Brad Wright has an excellent holiday edition of Health Wonk Review posted at his blog, Wright on Health – check it out! It’s the last issue until 2011 so fill up on your health wonkery now!
And in other news briefs….
Nix on the Mine Safety Bill – Ken Ward of Coal Tattoo reports that an attempt to resurrect a major mine safety reform bill was defeated in the House of Representatives, but that the House did approve more funding for mine safety.
The Most Influential People in Workers Comp for 2010 – as designated by Workers’ Comp Executive – hat tip to Roberto at Comp Time for the pointer.
Healthcare reform and workers comp – Joe Paduda or Managed Care Matters offers his analysis of the SwissRe analysis of health reform and workers comp.
Health Care and the UninsuredHealthLawProfBlog offers helpful links to important parts of the updated Kaiser Family Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.
The Bunkhouse Rule – Do you know what this is? If not, Judge Tom offers a good example.
Overview of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. v. Dukes – atty. Gerald Maatman presents a backgrounder and overview of the class action gender discrimination suit against Wal-Mart which is being heard by the Supreme Court.
Eight tips for meeting with a potentially violent employee – tips from attorney Robert Bettac’s recent presentation at BLR’s National Employment Law Update are posted at HR Daily Advisor.
Worried about scanner-related radiation? – Check out this line of radiation shielding and privacy undergarments. Not sure if they work, but they are a hoot.
A few new-found resources

  • Actuary Info Blog – we’ve linked to this smart blog before – it bills itself as a “brain teaser Blog with non-conventional, witty, remarkable and serendipitous financial and actuarial related news.” There are some fun and thoughtful entries.
  • The OSHA Updater – a safety blog by Chad Marshman of the
  • DocuBase – a hand-picked selection of resources, reports and publications from government agencies, NGOs, think thanks and other public interest organizations
  • Safe Lifting Portal focuses on patient safety and caregiver injury prevention, sponsored by Liko, a designer and manufacturer of lifts, slings and patient transfer accessories.
  • Crowd Management Safety Guidelines for Retailers – an OSHA Fact Sheet

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