We thought we’d toot our own horn a little this morning. We were pleased to find a note in our mailbox from LexisNexis telling us that we had been included in the Top 25 Blogs for Workers Compensation and Workplace Issues. Here’s what they had to say:
Considered by many as the gold standard for workers’ comp blogs, the Workers’ Comp Insider covers it all: workers’ compensation, risk management, business insurance, workplace health & safety, occupational medicine, and much more. Launched in September 2003, this weblog proved how a company can harness the power of the open web by allowing its employees to voice their opinions and showcase the company’s expertise.
We appreciate the recognition, and we’re happy to see so many fine blogs in the work comp arena today – it was sure a quiet place in 2003 when we first hung out our shingle. Be sure to visit and check out some other fine blogs in this space – we’re happy to see many blog pals there and look forward to discovering some new finds.
And if you have a mind to, LexisNexis is taking recommendations for the TopBlog of 2009 – we’d welcome your input and appreciate any votes of confidence should you so choose.
Thanks, LexisNexis!