The most recent edition of Health Wonk Review – the Confederations Cup Edition is freshly posted at Jason Shafrin’s Healthcare Economist. Where else can you get the week’s highlights of soccer and health care policy all in one place? Quite appropriate because as the health care issue heats up, the debate is getting to be more and more like a contact sport. Keep score with posts from the blogosphere’s best & brightest health care policy wonks.
Fire sale – Want to buy a book of workers comp business? Ante up your billion dollars and it may just be yours. According to a story by Patricia Anne-Tom In Insurance Journal, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is proposing to sell a portion of California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund. The SCIF wold remain as the insurer of last resort.
Summer reading – We are happy to learn that Risk Management Magazine recently began offering free online access to their excellent publication. May and June issues are now available online. And as we’ve previously mentioned, you should also check out their blog, Risk Management Monitor.
And for another free read, the School of Business Law, Curtin Business School of Perth Australia has announced that the first edition of The International Journal of Social Security and Workers Compensation is published and can be downloaded at no charge. This is an online double-blind peer-reviewed journal which focuses on strengthening international discourse in the areas of social security and workers compensation, including the provision of disability support. The publication is edited by professors Robert Guthrie and Marius Olivier.
PTSD – Dispelling the Myths About Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & Other Psychological Health Issues – about 8% of the U.S. population (approximately 24 million people) will develop PTSD at some point in their lives. Among military veterans, PTSD is quite common. Approximately 30% of Vietnam War veterans experience PTSD over the course of their lifetimes, and recent data compiled by the Rand Corporation suggest that approximately one in five service members who return from deployment operations in Afghanistan and Iraq have symptoms of PTSD or depression. Learn more about the myths associated with PTSD and review common employment questions.
Forensic accounting – How are property, casualty, and fidelity claims being influenced by the credit crisis? In an article in this month’s issue of Claims Paul McGowan discusses the role that forensic accountants are playing during the credit crisis.
Barnyard animals, gang members and comp – In a recent post on his blog, Roberto Ceniceros reminds us of the vast array of work-related issues that workers comp addresses – including such wildly disparate issues as gang shootings and farm animals run wild.
Tags: California, HWR, ptsd