Cavalcade of Risk; our Twitter debut; a few good blogs

May 20th, 2009 by Julie Ferguson

Hot off the presses – Richard Eskow has posted the most recent edition of Cavalcade of Risk. He’s got a good round-up of risk-related posts, but he had hazardous duty posting it due to a huge number of spam submissions. Spammy, fly-by-night blogs seem to be proliferating, grrr. Guess that is one of the risks inherent in business blogging.
In other news …
We’ve just joined the rank of Twitterers – just getting our feet wet so far, but check us out Twitter seems to be a love it or hate it type of thing for people … some critics go to pretty creative lengths to weigh in with their opinion.
A few good blog finds this week to add to your reading list:
Risk Management Monitor – the official blog of Risk Management magazine, providing daily stories, commentary, interviews, podcasts and videos related to the world of risk management and insurance. Meet the bloggers.
And two international entries:
Ramazzini – a blog on work and health by Annet Lenderink, trained occupational physician and a journalist, who works as coordinator of knowledge dissemination at the Netherlands Center of Occupational Diseases. The blog is named after the Italian founder of Occupational Medicine Bernadino Ramazzinni (1633-1714).
Safety At Work Blog – an Australian blog focusing on news and opinion on important workplace safety issues. The blog was founded by workplace safety consultant and Kevin Jones. Meet Kevin and the other blog contributors and you can also follow them on Twitter.

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