Cavalcade of Risk and Quick News Takes

March 12th, 2009 by Julie Ferguson

Jason Shafrin of Healthcare Economist hosts this week’s great edition of Cavalcade of Risk, and he precedes it with a Surgeon General’s warning about possible side effects that might ensue from use of this product. Given that we are living in “interesting times,” there is no shortage of good risk reading. Jason is also looking for volunteers to take a 50-question economic survey, par to his dissertation research. We think he’s a very smart guy and encourage any efforts to make him even smarter. And if you participate before March 20, you may win a $25 Amazon gift certificate.
Quick takes
Safety Modifications Important for Aging Workforce
Prosecutor: Mine collapse was ‘perfect’ disaster
The Case of the Exploding Solvent Can
Poor Image Hindering Insurers When Recruiting Best & Brightest For Claims
Gearing Up for OSHA’s Crane Hearing
5 Distractions That Cause Workplace Hazards
Could Actuaries Have Prevented the Banking Crisis?