Cleaning out our bookmark files, we came upon an assortment of health and safety resources that we thought we’d pass along.
- You may face some unusual hazards on your job, but it is unlikely you face anything like this – yikes. We’ve mentioned the Naval Safety Center’s Photos of the Week – well worth checking out if you haven’t. Each week, there’s a real world cringe-inducing photo of an on-the-job accident in the making. Here are a few recent photos that caught our eye: Potential Spill, Aisle 4; Occupation, Piano Wrestler; Well, At Least They Aren’t Going to Break; and Look Out Below!
- Seabright Insurance Company has some really good online safety resources. In addition to an extensive library of materials for safety meetings, they also have a Superviors’ Safety Library with dozens of articles and tools on various safety topics, from accident analysis and prevention to hiring practices and training. The site is well worth a bookmark.
- The University of Vermont’s Environmental Safety program offers a Safety PowerPoint Presentation Library with hundreds of prepared presentations on various topics, including several in Spanish. The quality of the presentations range from quite excellent to a bit corny and dated. Nevertheless, a great resource.
- The United Transportation Union of Canada has a good page links to sleep and fatigue articles and resources encompassing such topics as extended work shifts, fatigue and transportation, sleep disorders, circadian rhythms and more.
- A Practical Guide to Hand Protection – in an article for EHS Today Joseph D. McGarry discusses various types of work gloves for various jobs and tasks.
- Nursing Home e-Tool from OSHA is designed to assist employers and employees in identifying and controlling the hazards associated with nursing homes and residential care facilities.
Tags: fatigue, nursing homes, powerpoints, training