Yay us! This month is our 5th year blogging anniversary so we were pleased to be named to Lexus-Nexus Top 25 Blogs for Workers Compensation — and to see a few of our esteemed colleagues on the list, too. We have to laugh because when we started, we weren’t sure we would find enough to post about to make it to year 2, let alone year 5. And back then, the business blogging landscape was pretty thin indeed, so we’d never have foreseen such a robust community emerging for such a niche topic.
You are reading post #934. In the 1680 days we’ve been keeping track, we’ve had 900,000 visits from 600,000 unique visitors. We generally have about 18 to 20 thousand visitors a month, and as would be expected, about 85% of our visitors come from the U.S., but Canada, the UK, and Australia also make a good showing. We’ve had visitors from about 200 countries, including some that challenged our geographic awareness: Kiribati? Burkina Faso? (sidetrack: how many countries can you name in 5 minutes?)
In honor of the event, we thought we’d dish up our top 15 all-time greatest hits. These posts reflect the most searched for topics, as well as the ones that you, our readers, have clicked on the most:
- The History of Workers Comp
- You’re fired! Should you terminate an employee who is on workers compensation?
- Independent Contractor or Employee?
- Workers’ compensation reform in a New York minute
- Workers comp costs and benefits – Current state rankings
- Controversial Canadian workplace safety ads unveiled
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Who Should Pay?
- Poppy Seeds and Drug Testing: False Positives?
- Bullshit as Science: A Test for Malingerers
- Shooting Lawyers the Bird: The Tribune’s Employee Handbook
- Measuring Success
- The Comp Success Story in Massachusetts: Who Pays?
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Older Workers…and Insider Bias?
- Exception to the “going and coming” rule: operating premises
- Heat stress rules go into effect in Washington, California
Tags: blogging, blogs, business blogs, insurance, workers comp, workers compensation