Jaan Sidorov’s posted the Health Wonk Review, Political Convention Style at his Disease Management Care Blog, and it’s a good one. We have three more HWR’s before the election, and I think they will be a very good source of info on the candidate’s health plans. They should be a platform for some spirited debates among some very smart people!
A few financial links:
Freakonomics has a very good, plain-speaking overview on the recent financial upheavals as explained by Douglas W. Diamond Merton H. Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance and Anil K. Kashyap, Edward Eagle Brown Professor of Economics and Finance, both of the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.
Countdown to an Insurance Giant’s Collapse – Eric Dash and Andrew Ross Sorkinof the International Herald Tribune offer a close up view of events as they transpired.
Interested in how various newspapers throughout the world are playing the U.S. financial news? You might enjoy Newseum which offers front page snapshots of 690 front pages from 63 countries. It can be an interesting resource when large events occur.
Tags: AIG, health policy, healthcare, HWR, insurance