WorkSafeBC offers a variety of prevention resources which we’ve featured previously, most recently the videos of teens talking about how they were injured on the job. They offer an excellent library of safety materials – while laws may vary from here in the U.S., good safety practices don’t change over the border.
Recently, we’ve discovered WorkSafeBC’s library of accident investigation slide shows. These feature actual investigations conducted by WorkSafeBC investigators in the wake of fatal or serious work accidents. Each presentation includes an audio track of the investigator narrating the conditions that led to the accident, illustrated by photos, diagrams, and animations of the actual accident scene and conditions. The cause of each accident is identified and links to related prevention resources are made available. We think they’re pretty compelling because they reflect real-life events. They are brief and would be a good resource for safety training or a springboard for discussions. Hopefully, WorkSafeBC will continue to expand the library, which currently includes incidents involving construction, machinery, falls, forklifts and various other scenarios. In addition to the accident investigations, there are also a few slide shows on general prevention topics, such as housekeeping, violence prevention in retail settings, disease prevention, and machine guarding. Also, see the lift / lower calculator.
We’re always interested in free, quality safety & prevention resources that we can share with readers. If you know of other good prevention resources or libraries that are publicly available, let us know. (Please note: the operative word is “free” – we regularly delete comments promoting products or services that must be purchased.)
Tags: fatalities, investigations