Richard Eskow of The Sentinel Effect is hosting this week’s edition of Health Wonk Review and he’s seeing double. It’s a 24-issue post, so dig in for some good reading. Health Wonk Review is truly becoming a force in the health care policy arena – I’d be surprised if there were any other nook or cranny on the web with a savvier grouping of health care folks who represent all aspects of the industry.
Our host of the week, Richard Eskow, is a case in point. He’s CEO of Health Knowledge Systems (HKS) in Los Angeles and a consultant specializing in health care and insurance administration, IT, strategic planning, medical management, health policy, marketing, finance, and communications. You may even have seen or heard him on the news – he’s been interviewed on MSNBC, Fox News Radio, and Air America Radio. His blog is definitely one to add to your regular roster for health care reading. He takes the title The Sentinel Effect from “the theory that productivity and outcomes can be improved through the process of observation and measurement.”
Tags: health, health policy, healthcare, insurance