Blog smorgasbord – Cavalcade of Risk #12 is posted by Christopher Parks at MedBillManager Blog.
What makes for good outcomes? – Joe Paduda talks about what he learned about outcomes at the Workers Comp Research Institutes’s (WCRI) recent annual meeting: “The net is this – states with high medical costs tended to have pretty poor outcomes, defined as longer absences from work and fewer injured workers getting back to their jobs, and low cost states tended to have much better outcomes.”
The weekly toll – Tammy at Confined Space chronicles death in the American workplace.
PA reform – Roberto Ceniceros of Business Insurance informs us that last week Pennsylvania enacted workers comp reforms, including the creation of an uninsured employers guarantee fund and added measures designed to reduce litigation, such as caps on attorney fees in negotiated settlements and mandatory mediation conferences as part of any trial schedule. Here’s more from the Philadelphia Business Journal
Bullies – Workplace Prof Blog discusses a recent study about bullies in the workplace.
The cost of obesity – Actuary,net points us to an interesting post and discussion: Should fat people pay higher insurance premiums?. And on a related theme, Bill Danylik at HR Web Cafe tells us why help for your out-of-shape workers may be cheaper than you think.
New York construction risks – New York City’s construction zone nightmare – a New York Daily News article: “Between 2001 and 2005, OSHA investigated 68 “catastrophic accidents” citywide, meaning at least one worker died or three were seriously injured. Because the vast majority of mishaps occur on nonunion jobs involving immigrant laborers, numerous additional cases are believed to go unreported.” (via rawblogXport).
Just for fun – Every profession has its jargon and slang – this compilation of doctor’s slang. medical slang, and medical acronymns is rather amusing.