Administrative note: our new look

December 15th, 2005 by Julie Ferguson

We’ve been up and running for a few years now so we thought it might be good to go into the New Year with a clean new look. What do you think? We still have a little housekeeping to tend to. We’ll also be upgrading the blog software over the next week or two, and although we think this will be painless, we have our collective fingers crossed. Browsers and user experiences vary – give us a shout if you are experiencing any problems!
Kudos to our behind-the-scenes colleagues — Chris, Jess, and Sue — for the new look and the upgrades!
One other note: we love to hear from you and appreciate your comments. We don’t get flooded with comments, but we are delighted by the depth of knowledge and insight that our readers often add to a topic. But like many bloggers, we are plagued by comment spams, often some fairly vile stuff. Policing for spam is a daily duty, and lest we be overrun, we are forced to close past threads to comments. Too bad! To combat this, we are thinking of moving to a system where people would either have to register once before being able to post comments, or comments would be moderated to screen spam. Any thoughts? Would a one-time pre-registration deter you from making a comment?
Let us know if you have any other thoughts about the blog while we’re in our New Year’s resolutions mode!