Reducing firefighter injuries – free online symposium

October 6th, 2005 by Julie Ferguson

This week is Fallen Firefighter Memorial Weekend, a time to salute the brave people who sacrificed their lives to make the world a safer place for you and me. Firefighters are out there on the front lines every day, risking injury and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 100 firefighters die at work each year. At this time of year, my thoughts turn to six hometown firefighters who died in the line of duty some half-dozen years ago.
So given that this weekend is a time set aside to recognize these fallen heroes, it seemed fitting when I got a note in my mailbox from the Public Entity Risk Institute (PERI) about a free online symposium entitled Fire Department Integrated Risk Analysis and Management that is scheduled for November 7 to 11. The program brings together authors and experts from the U.S. and U.K. to discuss an integrated risk management approach to injury prevention. According to PERI: “Each day during the program, PERI will email participants specially commissioned “Issues and Ideas Papers” that discuss aspects of the integrated risk management approach. Participants can read the papers at their convenience, and also make copies to distribute to colleagues. All enrollees can participate in an online discussion in the Symposium Center, exchanging ideas, posting comments, and asking questions about the issues and solutions presented in the papers.
What better tribute could be offered to those who previously gave their lives than to learn more about how to make work safer for all the men and women who are at risk on the job every day? Learn more, or enroll for the seminar: Fire Department Integrated Risk Analysis and Management.