Today, a smorgasbord – the weekend is a good time to clean my bookmark file of a variety of tips and tools that I’ve been collecting:
Experience Modification Factors – Understanding the Workers Compensation Modification Factor is a good 3-page overview of the factors that drive an e-mod. Also of note, Top Ten Ways to Reduce a Mod – the most frequent reader responses to a survey conducted by Specific Software Solutions.
Fleet Control – The LWCC (the Louisiana Workers Compensation Corporation) notes that vehicle accidents are the state’s leading cause of workplace fatalities – this is acutally pretty much true regardless of geography. The folks at LWCC have compiled a useful sheet of Fleet Control Tips designed to help employers reduce risk.
HR Weblogs – We’ve unearthed a few notable HR weblogs to add to our sidebar. HR’s Brand New Experience by Regina Miller explores the relationship of HR practices and branding. We’re interested in this topic because we believe the way that employers treat employees has an enormous impact on how the company is perceived in the marketplace. This blog is part of the BNet family of business weblogs which also include our friend, Anita Campbell. And we