Ohio’s Great Workers Comp Coin Caper?

May 13th, 2005 by Julie Ferguson

I used to think I worked in a fairly pedestrian little industry. At cocktail parties, the words “insurance” and “workers comp” were always good for a few yawns and glazed eyes. There wasn’t much in the way of excitement – a little premium fraud here, a little claimant fraud there, and an occasional doctor mill busted…nothing too eye opening.
But today, I suddenly find myself in the thick of one of the most scandal-ridden industries going… first there was the Spitzer probe and the ignominious fall of the financial giants; and now, in a surprising follow-up, courtesy of Ohio, we have the great Comp Coin Caper of 2005.
Now if the linkage between 119 rare coins and workers comp isn’t immediately apparent to you, you can be forgiven. It’s a pretty twisted tale – I’ll rely on the Toledo Blade