Managers’ tool kit: new healthcare, socioeconomic, and interactive resources

February 7th, 2005 by Julie Ferguson

It’s been awhile since we’ve added new resources to the toolbar on the right. We hope to create a one-stop shop of valuable workers compensation, HR, medical, and health & safety resources for industry practitioners, as well as for workers. Here are some recent finds:
Since 1997, Pam Pohly’s management guide for healthcare executives has been seeking and posting a broad array of healthcare resources, including legislative and compliance updates, professional association directories, employment search services, practice management tools, healthcare news and more. The site contains hundreds of links, including toolkits for health administrators, physician executives, HR managers and nursing managers. The glossary of managed care terms is a handy tool for workers comp managers, and the calendar of health observances is good reference for safety and wellness programs.
EconData.Net has thousands of links to socioeconomic data sources, arranged by subject and provider, pointers to the Web’s premiere data collections, and a list of the ten sites they judge as being the best sites for finding regional economic data. Need to find population or demographic data or trends? Employment statistics? Labor force by occupation? Wage trends? You’ll find resources at this deep site.
Interactive Tools
The Liberty Mutual incidence calculator allows you to determine your own incident rates and compare your rates to other companies in your SIC group.
American Express has an interactive hiring tool that helps you to think through the skills and characteristics you need to create a job description, and lets you generate a worksheet to use in your interviewing process, and provides questions that may be helpful in interviews.
If you are an employer in Michigan, you can use an online calculator to estimate your workers’ compensation costs. This analytic tool uses ” … your work force data to provide you with a general case study looking at your potential costs. Your actual results in the “open market” will vary depending on a number of factors.”

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