The Comp Expert is a new workers comp weblog by Texas Workers Comp Specialist, Cary Duke. He features an excellent update on the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) and a recent report on TRIA by the Congressional Budget Office. TRIA is scheduled to expire this year, and Duke points out that a failure to renew the act would lead to higher workers compensation rates. (More on TRIA) is a weblog and newsfeed about global actuarial news. It looks to be a fairly comprehensive resource for all things actuarial.
George’s Employment Blawg offers tips for catching resume fraud. According ro a 2003 survey, about 52% of resumes had some “discrepancies.
Joe Paduda at Managed Care Matters updates us on the impact of the California reforms and discusses hospital cost drivers.
Jordan Barab is scheduled to appear on Air America Radio on Saturday from 6 to 7 pm. Jordan is a former OSHA official, a tireless safety advocate, and author of Confined Space weblog.