New weblogs added to our resource list

December 5th, 2004 by Julie Ferguson

We’re delighted to see that the numbers of business weblogs keep increasing. In particular, we are happy to see new bloggers cropping up in the workers comp, risk managment, and labor relations area. Here are a few “neighbors” we’ve added to our blog list:
Managed Care Matters is a blog by Joseph Paduda that focuses on managed care, covering health-care cost containment, health policy, health research, and medical news. His most recent post points out that health care costs are back on the rise again.
Risk Noodle is a weblog by Jim Paugh covering a varietyof risk-related topics. Jim was a principal at Lynch Ryan for many years so we are happy to give him a plug – he helped us to build many of the systems and programs that are still being successfully implemented at employer worksites today.
RiskProf is a weblog of Martin Grace, a professor of Risk Management and Insurance at Georgia State University. His weblog discusses liability law and economics, plus occasional other subjects.
Workplace Fairness is written by Paula Brantner, Program Director of Workplace Fairness, focusing on legal and political information relevant to employee rights and fairness issues in the workplace.
What’s an actuary? is the blog of Atlanta-based Alberto Dominguez who works in the actuarial and benefits consulting field.
Oregon Labor and Employment Law is the weblog of Oregan law firm Bennett Hartman, covering topics in labor, employment and public pension law.

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