What? You mean there’s a world beyond insurance?! Here are a few good general business and technology tools and resources we’ve discovered recently.
QuickMBA is an online knowledge resource for business administration operated by the Internet Center for Management and Business Administration, Inc. “Topics are presented as frameworks and summaries in the various subjects of business administration, as taught in the world’s top MBA programs.” (via Noise Between Stations)
Want to see how you compare to others in your industry? Bizstats is a handy business planning tool that presents a collection of useful financial ratios, business statistics & benchmarks, and an effective and understandable online analysis of businesses & industries.
Flummoxed by tech jargon? Held hostage by your technology department? WhatIs? provides definitions for thousands of technology and Web-related terms. Check out the Fast Reference section for some popular tools and topics.
Tags: Business, business resources, technology