We’ve added a few new links to our “blogroll.” That’s a sidebar of weblog links, for all of you weblog rookies ;-)
Jottings by an Employer’s Lawyer is the latest addition. It’s maintained by Michael W. Fox, a Texas attorney who specializes in labor and employment law. He offers some interesting news and pointers to regional and national issues. in the workplace and in employment law.
For the labor point of view, check out Confined Spaces by long-time labor leader Jordan Barab. Not surprisingly, his blog has a heavy focus on health & safety issues – he’s a veteran safety consultant and served as a special assistant at OSHA.
Know of any other weblogs about workers compensation-related issues out there that we should add to our list? Weblogs have taken much of the on-line community by storm, and there’s a growing roster of good health-care and legal blogs out there now…but there aren’t too many insurance blogs yet!
Tags: blogs